Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Laptop .

My laptop is fixed! I am so happy :) Apple was going to charge me $250+, Circuit barn charged me $125. Thank you!!

I made my first Avon order. Lots of customers! Surprisingly it all came in 2 days after I ordered it! It was all jumbled together and very confusing, but my customers are happy, and very pleasantly surprised by the size of the products. Yay!

Funny story, I accidentally ordered 100 magazines, all the same. I only needed about 15. (The magazines are only good for a 2 week period) I guess when you order, 1 means 10, so 10 means 100. I laughed when I received them, so many things going wrong lately (more then lately) that I am starting to see the humor in just about everything. I did make a profit, which was the goal. Although spending $20 on magazines was not helpful.

Kurt and I took a long weekend and went on my first Larrabee family vacation. I survived!! No, really, it was a lot of fun. We stayed in a great big house in Vermont. I went Frisbee golfing for the first time. It was very cool, I will do it again someday. Thank you Matt for the fun time!

Excuse me for gabbing about random things. I just want to type on my laptop. More random posts to continue.


  1. Yayyyyy!!! Oh and Coralie darling, I absolutely adore your blog. And I think I want to steal your little thingy on the side. xD The cute little saying thing. Lol. Love you sista! <3

  2. Thank you! I wasn't sure how it would look, then I put it on and loved it too! You can steel anything. I can't get on your blog anymore! I got on that one time and haven't been able to since. Can you invite me again?
